Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Another potential forever home for Mitzi

It seems as if somebody else is interested in my little foster girl. I am waiting to hear back from them to schedule a home visit.

I love Mitzi...I truly do. She has been A LOT of work as she is very active. When she first came into our home, she was very socially unaware. She had no idea of her strength and how easily she could hurt someone with her excited energy. She is calming down a bit. She has learned several "tricks" and we are working daily on more. She walks well on her leash...UNTIL she sees another dog or a rabbit, then she gets fixated and wants to "go for it." I'm really working with her on that. The dog issue is more playful than aggressive, I'm pretty sure.

At first she and Hamilton didn't get along at all. I think her energy level was intimidating for Mr. Laid-Back-Lab Hamilton. Well, now they play constantly. It's a lot of fun, if not exhausting, to watch.

I know the potential adoptive family has another dog. Evidently they lost another boxer to illness recently and this dog is lonely. I PRAY that Mitzi and this dog get along. That will be the key.

Here is a quick video showing my lab, pug, and Mitzi playing their FAVORITE game--tug-of-war.

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